
Split Arguments used by Islam

The human brain does not connect all ideas and validate them before thinking, like a compiler does. That is, the brain is not a Bayes Net, as Julia Galef said.


Dealing with Disbelievers

All humans, excluding those with mental anomalies, have some form of human attachment to those in their close proximity. Generally, all sentient beings do understand other sentient beings to be like them. But humans do not completely run on logic, because human nature is comprised of sentient intellectual and animal nature.

For this reason, humans who do not make use of their discerning intellectual capacity can be easily corrupted by other corrupt people, or by incomplete life experiences. By this, I also imply that corruption can be caused without the requirement of an external corrupting agent, which exists in many religions. As for why there would be incomplete life experiences, that is because that same agency which caused us to be here destined it to be so, to carry out that will.

The most visible form of corruption begins in the childhood, where one develops love for his family, friends or clan, and sees them as superior relative to others, effectively seeing them as of lesser value. This is again, because of their desire to ascribe their superiority relative to others, without realizing that others are just like them. This non-realization itself is one of the aforementioned incomplete life experiences that cause corruption.

Generally, one is likely to hold the most love for his family, then with their intimate partners, then for their close friends, and from there it begins to fall off. For this reason, it is very easy to make someone hate people who are far from oneself, than those who are close to them.

For this reason, the

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